Calamity Jane

Created by ROBIN 4 years ago

Mum had a habit of getting into trouble in a way that no one else quite managed

Here are some of her ‘classics’.. don’t worry - she always laughed when I told these stories

1. Almost drowning in a basin of water.. 

Picture this, mum walking into her living room carrying a full basin of water in which she was going to soak her feet

but she trips and starts to fall forward..

and not wanting to drop the water all over the carpet, she holds on tight to the basin all the way down until she hits the floor and her head ends up IN the basin UNDER water!

Way to go Mum!

2. The infamous changing room disaster

Imagine the scene - a packed clothes shop. Mum and Siobhan are looking for trousers. Finally they choose a few pairs and Mum goes into the changing room to try them on. 

Forgetting that the changing room was basically a wrap-a-round curtain mum leans back against what she thinks is a wall while pulling the trousers up over her knees and falls out through the curtain onto the floor of the shop to the astonishment of the customers (including Siobhan)

Not sure if Siobhan had a suppressed giggle or not..


3. ‘It only happens to me’

For many years this was Mum’s favourite phrase. The phone always rang when she was in the bath. The drains always burst in her driveway and no ones else’s and so on..

I used to put it down to coincidence until one Christmas day, as she was serving the food in the kitchen onto the dinner plates the entire roof of the kitchen fell in on her head and all over the Christmas dinner

From that day on I had to agree - it really did only happen to her!